Tel: 01934 352300

Newpaintco Limited

Independent Company founded 2001 specialising in Architectural & Industrial Coatings

WARRANTY FOR COATINGS - Kynar Air Drying System Guarantee


The client will have any benefit of the manufacturers guarantees in respect of materials used.


Newpaintco guarantees that the Kynar ADF will perform equal or better than AAMA 2605.98. The applicator guarantees that if within a 15 year period after repainting, proven to be defective by reason of a fault in the repainting / remedial works, they will undertake to repair free of charge that area of the work.


The coating warranty will not apply to any damage or failure caused by any external force, explosion, fire, riot, civil commotion, radiation, war or other similar occurrence. The client takes all reasonable measures to maintain the building in good repair-the coated area must be kept free from harmful deposits and must be cleaned on an annual basis (Refer to AAMA 610 ). The client must pay for an initial inspection and report, to be reimbursed if the complaint is found to be justified. The Applicator and inspectors must be given right of access during normal working hours.


A warrantee for coating can be issued upon completion of works and following inspection of any project.

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